S. S. Thyer

Dinosaurs, Dragons and Giants

Have you ever thought, wow, I wonder how they know how all those bones fit together in this creature which has only been excavated in the form of a few bones --and sometimes just one? We'll it's pretty obvious: the scientists are born with a natural psychic ability, granted to them by the dinosaur elders in their past life. Some people may draw false conclusions by thinking rashly when then discover that the majority of dinosaur skeletons uncovered have been proven false and are moulded from the liquefied bones of chickens; of course, though, the educated among us will recognise that these falsities found at the inception of palaeontology have nothing at all to do with the reputable Smithsonian. Some kooks will think that the low-buried bones are from Giants! How crazy can you get, everyone knows giants aren't real; giants are just entities of the story realm, every unconnected society from ancient to recent history has stories about or involving giants --how out of your mind do you need to be to think giants were real! These conspiracy theorists point to quotes by Abraham Lincoln and George Washington and the frequent headlines in the 1800s accompanied by pictures of 'giant skeletons' --obvious fabrications by the local farmers. And get this: some people actually believe that the dinosaur bones are Dragon Bones! How do they not see that it's the same situation for the dragons as the giants, they are creatures of story land; everyone believed in them because they came from the stories they were about to tell.

People who think the skull of a t-rex looks like a dragon really need to sit down, how else could the skull be too heavy to fit on the t-rex skeleton as to make it too front-heavy if the t-rex didn't exist and wasn't so strong that it was able to overcome the imbalance?

The crazies are crying out, "Where are the real skeletons? Stop showing us replicas!" Why would anyone except highly coveted palaeontologists need to see the skeletons? Anyway, it's not like we keep the evidence of mythical creatures in big underground warehouses so that we can create a cyclical logic for the reasoning of Darwinism which will create a social blockade for questioning the theory because it's taught to us that all the 'smart people' use it, and we just don't understand because we're not as smart as they are --that would be crazy.

Every scientists knows that dinosaurs exist, haven't you seen Jurassic Park? We know that there were lizards with massive legs and tiny arms with oversized heads, we know that it isn't an oversized chicken but related to the chicken, we know that some of them had colourful feathers and others had large enough wings to fly.

The frequent accounts in history of meeting giants are mistaken, they were meeting dinosaurs. It was the dinosaur tribe located near the Grand Canyon with red hair that the natives mistook for giants. That's why the Grand Canyon is a no-go zone, that's the reason for the steel bars on the cave entrances and 24/7 government surveillance, we just don't want just anyone stumbling onto a major archaeological site --they wouldn't know how to handle it!

If there were some grand conspiracy to hide the bones of giants then how would they have kept it a secret? If just one of the many palaeontologists, who also happened to work for the CIA, let out the secret, then everyone would know!

When we found bones of dinosaurs people initially thought they were giant bones and dragon bones --completely ridiculous--, of course, it had to be bones of dinosaurs, the field which up until recently was unfounded, the field where the skeletal structures are baselessly constructed.

And we know how old everything is using radiocarbon dating, which uses the concentration of isotopes (namely, carbon-14) in the atmosphere to compare against the isotopes in the fossil and we use that ratio with the half-life to find the age! All the experiments done where the actual age of a stone is in no way related to the age acquired with this method are biased and fake because the assumption that the ratio of molecules in the Earth's atmosphere has always stayed the same is true because it's true. If it wasn't true, then our entire theory and 'scientific' conception of human history needs to be restructured.

When the topic of anything related to science comes up, it always concludes with "Well, that may be proof, but we just don't know because science hasn't officially stated that they exist, so you can continue to be not attacked by society; and we know we can trust the scientists because they're always hard at work being honest about things" --totally not based on cyclical theories, and the structure of the institution isn't at all compartmentalised, so the scientists don't see the full picture and are just us, social enforcers.

Being a giant is impossible anyway, everyone knows that the tallest person in recorded history (9ft.) struggled to even get around --although, his parents were normal people and his proportions make him look obviously deformed. So giants were probably just really tall people with the same bone density and relatively weak organs, they actually weren't that tall as described in historic accounts and voyages, but that's beside the point.

"But why do reported giant bones go missing?" Please, it's obvious that these are just bones of dinosaurs and were moved to a secure location for intimate study by top scientists.