S. S. Thyer

The metaphysics

Feminism will never work, no matter what 'wave' you subscribe to. The ethos of the movement is egalitarianism, equality between the genders; we are all of two contrasting parts striving to make them equal in magnitude, the anima and the animus are two parts to a whole, the unification of the whole is the unification of the opposites. The yin-yang is the unification of the diametrically opposed; the anima is chaos, the animus, order, a mirror image of nature. The man is the near embodiment of the animus while the opposite, the anima. It should be already evident how issues will quickly arise when order is subsumed by chaos in the setting of a structured society; in the universal view, there's no way of preventing this natural flow from order to chaos when the leaders are still male because of the natural flux/movement of everything.

To implant the anima above the animus in a physical structural hierarchy is an inversion of nature; evidently, the inversion can only be maintained when forces from a non-inverted system hold it so --as to make the observed perverted structure moot-- and the perceived incarnation of the anima is not so or --more frequently-- not so much as expected. That is to say, a perversion of nature is practically impossible --for nature to break the laws of nature is impossible--, all impossibilities are illusions of the impossible as anything that is impossible is an inherent contradiction. All forms of feminism are attempts at the impossible, injecting women into places of power where she has complete control allows for the natural process of destruction to occur or, when not in full power, allows the normalisation of destruction and will give the woman a faux sense of power.

Overall, women seem to be connected to the realm of passions more so than that of reality --vice versa for the man--, this leaves the woman's physicality (including reason) to manifest from a place with less emphasis on this aspect of humanity --leading to the consequence of relative underdevelopment when contrasted to the man in the domain of the physical.

The observable nature of women

The nature of women has been known from the dawn of existence: think of who ate from the tree of knowledge first, think of who can from the rib of man (it's not actually the rib but rather half of man but that's not pertinent), think of the countless mythical and enigmatic creatures in the forest who lure in the weary man with their beauty to then consume his flesh, think of Samson and how he was tricked by Delilah, think of the spirit of the witch, think of the parable of the lion and the fox, think of the protective mother of Zeus, think of the chaotic feminine nature projected in the form of mother nature, think of the knight who saves the princess. We know and have known that women are --in the physical realm-- powerless for they are the antithesis of men and that is required for balance. Women are measurably physically weaker, smaller, and less intelligent than men, they come after the child in the family hierarchy because they are most like the child. It is always a hierarchy or a contrast in nature, there are no two things the same because if they were then there would be one, their prototype. Men cannot be women and women cannot be men, if they were interchangeable as such then there would be no such thing as man or woman, yet the incontrovertible truth is self-evident in the way in which the spirit physically manifests.

We've allowed women to infiltrate our society through --in some cases-- 'hard work' which is synonymous with hypnosis; most women work hard in academia because they're told it gives them value, it will make them smart, subliminally they're told that this is the path to nirvana --so to speak-- of course, they impulsively accept as they did with the serpent who promised Eve the same thing. We don't want doctors who have memorised all the diagnosis to pass the exams and then forget a load of that knowledge, they may be smart but in most cases aren't clever or even really that relatively smart to begin with. Another seed of chaos is planted in the system, effectively sucking the colour/life from the tips of the leaves of the plant which is universal natural order embodied by humanity --everything must die, however, the ouroboros dictates the cyclical movements of nature.

Generalisation is the essence of politics --the state is an entity that requires uniformity to function. There are some women who are smarter than the average man --although the average man is undergoing a redefinition, or more aptly put, the modern man is losing resolution-- we still must recognise the positions of the biologies within a hierarchical structure if we are ever to unify; women are not complements to men, they are generally lesser than, they are like children and it's not unlikely that most women you meet are filled with vindictive spite --think of Frued. There is not equilibrium of male and female in this world; this world is of one nature from another, dualism is impossible; order is begotten by chaos, ergo, chaos is greater than order --they are neither the same nor complementary, simply necessary.